Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you are entitled to a free copy of your consumer disclosure report, upon your request, at a minimum once every 12 months and more frequently under certain conditions. To request your free report, follow the instructions provided below to submit online or select the ‘Other Methods’ tab for instructions on how to submit through mail or telephone.

ChexSystems® provides all consumer disclosure reports free of charge. You can request a report to learn what information, if any, is listed in your consumer file at ChexSystems. If you have been denied an account and ChexSystems was used in the decision process, this information will help you understand what may have contributed to that decision.

You must be 18 years of age or older to communicate with ChexSystems. ChexSystems may access, store and use your identifying information to the extent permitted by law.

View a sample consumer disclosure report to see what type of information may be reported to ChexSystems. A Spanish sample consumer disclosure report can be viewed here.

Learn more about reviewing your consumer disclosure report by watching this video.

To Submit a Request on Behalf of Someone Other Than Yourself

Click the options below to learn more.


Submitting a request for a minor

You must be 18 years of age or older to communicate with ChexSystems. To submit a request on behalf of a minor, a parent or legal guardian must complete the Consumer Request for Disclosure Form and return it to ChexSystems by mail. All of the following documentation must be included:
  • A copy of the minor's birth certificate;
  • A legible copy of the minor's Social Security card;
  • A legible copy of the parent or legal guardian's driver's license or state identification card;
  • Proof of address for the parent or legal guardian (in the form of a pay stub, utility bill or other official document bearing the address to which correspondence is to be sent);
  • If your name does not appear on the birth certificate, a copy of a document confirming legal guardianship is required. The proof of guardianship must be an official court or other legally binding document; and
  • Correspondence must include consumer’s full name, current address, date of birth, and Social Security number.


Submitting a request for someone who is not a minor

To submit a request on behalf of someone who is not a minor, you must complete the Consumer Request for Disclosure Form and return it to ChexSystems by mail. You must also include the following documentation authorizing ChexSystems to communicate and provide information to you:
  • A notarized Power of Attorney or
  • A notarized copy of specific written instructions signed by the consumer
  • Correspondence must include consumer’s full name, current address, date of birth, and Social Security number.