Military Service Members and Families

Military Service Members and Families

Learn how to protect your financial health by reviewing helpful information below regarding security alerts, security freezes, requesting your consumer disclosure report and how to dispute information in your file that may be inaccurate. Browse through our FAQs and review helpful information by visiting Additional Education Information. Additional resources for active-duty and retired service members and their families are available at and


Security Alert

Placing a Consumer Reported Identity Theft Security Alert in your ChexSystems® consumer file may help you combat identity theft. When an alert is added to your consumer file, ChexSystems clients are notified of the alert any time they inquire about you. We do require that you provide a notarized Identity Theft affidavit in order for the alert to remain on file for seven years. If we do not receive the notarized affidavit, the alert will remain on file for one year.

Place a security alert


Security Freeze

A security freeze is designed to prevent approval of checking, savings, credit accounts, loans, or other services from being approved in your name without your consent. You may request a temporary “lift” to the security freeze to conduct business with entities that require access to the consumer file.

Place a security freeze


Request Disclosure Report

ChexSystems provides all consumer disclosure reports free of charge. You can request a report to learn what information, if any, is listed in your consumer file at ChexSystems. Information contained in your file may include bank account closures, inquiries, returned checks and check orders. If you have been denied an account and your ChexSystems consumer file was used in the decision process, a consumer disclosure report could help you understand what information may have contributed to that decision.

Request your consumer disclosure report


File a Dispute

If you believe information in your consumer file is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to submit a dispute. You can submit a dispute directly to the source of information, or if you prefer, ChexSystems will contact the source on your behalf to initiate a reinvestigation. Reinvestigations are usually completed within 30 days (21 days for residents of Maine). ChexSystems will notify you of the results.

Submit a dispute